Flu and COVID Vaccinations – Autumn / Winter

Flu / COVID season is fast approaching. There are some changes regarding when patients will be eligible for their Flu / COVID vaccinations this year. Please visit our Flu / COVID page to read all of the updates. We are now inviting eligible patients to book their appointments.

Training Practice

GP Registrars

Our Registrars are fully-qualified Doctors who have chosen General Practice as the career they wish to pursue. They spend one year with us and are closely supervised by Doctors to ensure that they are able to provide care of the same standard as that provided by your Doctor.

Foundation Year Doctors

As part of our training commitment, we also have “FY2” Doctors in our surgeries. These Doctors are not yet fully qualified and join us typically for 3 months as part of their training rotation.

Medical Students

We also teach medical students. A medical student may be present while you are having a consultation with your Doctor. You will always be told if a student is going to be present. If you wish to see the Doctor alone, please tell the receptionists and nobody will take offence!

Nursing Students

We offer placements for nursing students to expand their nursing skills whilst caring for our patients.